Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Article On Phenomenon And Concept In Psychology

The human mind; it's truly a phenomenon. Half the time I wonder if we truly know how it works. It's clear that we only use a small portion of it. Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to stimulate the rest? Imagine how intelligent and advanced we'd be. Our world would be completely different. Then again, it could be a bad thing. Just maybe total chaos would ensue if we used our entire brain. It's hard to say if it would do more harm than good. Well, although we fail to use the majority of our brain, we still study it nonetheless. This study is known as psychology. Maybe you've had a class in it at one time or another. I had two college courses in psychology. After reading a few books and countless psychology articles, I can conclude that we're all confused.

Do you believe in the concept known as psychology? From what I've gathered, Tom Cruise does not. Or, more specifically, Scientology dismisses the practice as hoopla. The name threw me on initially. Scientology sounds like a creed that would embrace a 'mind science" like psychology. However, things are not as they seem. From what Tom spewed out on the Today show, he doesn't agree with psychology or prescription drugs. Now, before you call him nuts and hate him for all eternity, I'd like to admit that he has a point. I've read a number of psychology articles. Some I agree with and some I have deemed bogus. Often it seems that psychologists are doing what any fool could do. They're getting you to give them the answers. "Well, what do you think?" Now, that's brilliant. On the contrary, I do believe that contemporary psychology has helped many people. Much depends on the affliction at-hand and the person receiving the treatment. Oh, and of course the psychologist him/herself.

Read more! We should all read more. It not only expands your mind, but it offers you more solutions to things. Now, I'm not just referring to psychology articles. I am talking about all sorts of topics. One thing I do advise is reading about famous psychologists. They are often addressed in psychology articles and books. Consider their point of view. You may or may not agree, but you will acquire new knowledge either way.

Articles On Stress And Curing Information

Finding articles on stress can really give you the information that you most need on how to cure stress and make yourself a calmer, and more successful person. Stress has no single cause. On the contrary, almost anything that is out there can be a contributing factor to stress. I have read articles on stress that have talked about work related stress, family related stress, the stress of moving out, growing older, and anything else that you can imagine. The good thing is that all of these articles on stress seem to point to the same essential cures and treatments. You are not likely to find an article on stress that tells you one magical answer that will cure all of your stress problems, but you can quite easily find a few things that you can do to treat your chronic anxiety.

One of the biggest ones that is recommended by experts in the articles on stress is to reduce your stress level. This may seem obvious, but few of the people who suffer from stress today even think of taking this step. If you are suffering from work stress, the articles on stress would tell you to, if at all possible, work less. If this is not possible, you could make a list of what stresses you out at work. Is it certain people, or certain work relationships that seem to really tweak your anxiety? If this is the case, then you can find ways to avoid them, or even better, to deal with the problem before it gets any worse.

The importance of dealing with the problem is one of the best things that the articles on stress will tell you. Chronic stress can not only make your life difficult, it can lead to serious health problems as well. Many articles on stress will tell you that this common condition will shorten your life, as it can lead to heart problems, as well as strokes and aneurysms. If you can manage to reduce your stress levels, both at work and at home, you can add years and years onto your life. Not only that, but you can regain the most important thing that stress robs you from: your happiness and your peace of mind. This is why articles on stress are so common, and so important to read. Everyone knows that they need peace of mind above all.